Work With US...
Are you a company (small or large), cricket club, coach, school, or cricket facility seeking to align with an organization dedicated to fostering empowerment, enjoyment, and inclusivity through the sport of cricket? We invite you to become a part of our Partner Program and embrace this opportunity to collaborate with us in our shared mission to promote the values and benefits of cricket for all.
​At Cricket Empowerment Company, we recognize that not every child has equal access to essential services and resources. This is why The C.E.C has taken the initiative to enable fellow members to contribute towards a cricketer's coaching, club fees, and equipment. By joining hands with The C.E.C family, you have the power to make a difference in the lives of these aspiring athletes. Your generous donation can pave the way for less privileged cricketers to pursue their dreams and achieve greatness. Please consider making a donation today and become a crucial part of this transformative journey. Together, we can create opportunities that will shape the future of cricketing talent.